I spent my formative years with a single dad who's an academic. I didn't ever learn housekeeping, but I had shelving down.
This makes me laugh because not only do I remember your labeled shelves from some pictures in LJ but also my live-in grad student and I are shopping for shelves to accomodate his ever-expanding collection.
OMG, people, I don't think I can express how happy I am to have Homicide on my tv. Really happy.
Hmph. Not homicide,
I just wish the cable guide thingy would get the Sleuth schedule up, so I can DVR it.
Ericka is somewhere smiling at that sentiment right now, Jesse.
bounce bounce bounce bounce. I'm so happy!!
So today was a BUSY, but good day. Started of by actually waking up with the alarm, which like NEVER happens. I had time to cook some food, and watch some NY1, and eat some breakfast before leaving. I also took 3 bags of stuff to a thrift store on the way to the subway. YAY!
Got quite a bit of little things addressed and moving forward at work.
Still, I have my weekly meeting tomorrow and don't really feel prepared, AND Friday is my last day for a week and things don't feel ready.
Speaking of NY1!!! Other people love Bobby Cuza, too: [link]
This guy at work today was dissing on NY1, saying it was as bad as a highschool news program. I was all ??!?!?!?!?!?!
Sadly, I think USC just might win. Though by saying that I might be jinxing them because whenever I want them to lose they win. So if I say I want them to win (even though in my heart of hearts, I really don't), will they lose?
But they just scored. Damn. I think they
win after all.
on edit
wrong quick-edit. oops. no one needs to think of that spoilery.
That's kinda cute. He asks permission to do his pillaging.
Well, he *is* Canadian, after all.