I don't think I need a face. In fact, a face is pushing the uncanny valley territory. Speak English, sure. Indicate moods, etc, but faces is nothing I need right now.
Yeah, I don't really want human faces on my robots. I want communication skills sans uncanny valley. Robots should look like Bender, and intelligent computers should look like HAL.
I saw Letterman's clip. Too bad there were O'Reilly fans in the audience. O'Reilly has to be one of the main media people I absolutely cannot stand. I also can't stand that damn woman on CNN Headline News who is in love with her own image.
I want a robot that's a big rolling ball that has doors that flip open and task appropriate arms come out. Or legs, to navigate tricky terrain. And it can have speakers, and its whole surface will be e-paper.
I don't know what I want it to do yet, but I suspect there's no rush.
I'm pretty sure that they invented that already, ita. And it nearly killed Mr Incredible.
I'm pretty sure that they invented that already, ita
Did I mention it's also an MP3 player? I don't think that one played music.
I just want a robot that can clean my house. None of this Roomba bullshit -- I want something that does the dishes and puts them away, hangs up my clothes, deals with my mail, and like that, exactly like I tell it to. Which is why a robot would be better than a person, paid or spouse.
I just want a robot that can clean my house. None of this Roomba bullshit -- I want something that does the dishes and puts them away, hangs up my clothes, deals with my mail, and like that, exactly like I tell it to.
Will it do my laundry and mop and clean the litter box? If so, sign me up! I want one!
I just want everything in my home to be wirelessly networked and programmable. And I should be able to control it with the implants in my brain.
Will it do my laundry and mop and clean the litter box? If so, sign me up! I want one!
It will do all of those things! Actually, if it's Rosie Jetson, I think it'll make your dinner, too.
Rosie Jetson threw a lot of attitude. I don't think I want that in my robot.