Happy Birthday, shrift!
I was a townie during college, but honestly aside from traditional holiday staples I preferred lunchroom food to my mom's cooking. If I'd gone away to college my reaction to a care package from home probably would have been "Crap! Do I HAVE to eat it?"
I got care packages from my parents during college. And sometimes I still do, though now I'm more apt to send my mom a care package than the other way around. Though she did send us a giant box of red meat that we need to eat in the very near future.
On the way home from work, I heard an interview with a guy talking about Abramoff's various offenses. He referred, repeatedly, to the U. S. protectorate of the "North Marinara Islands". Oy.
They're off the coast of Tortilla.
I got Mister Kitty because his people moved to Saipan (well, and allergies, but the Saipan part sounds more exciting.)
Also? The cat is a freak tonight. Someone must've flipped his switch to ON.
Mom sent me a couple care packages in college. Now I get the equivalent more frequently...in books! Most of the other goodies (spices I can't find here, mixes that ditto) she saves for occasions like birthdays and random holidays. I still get an easter package every year, never mind I don't observe in it any fashion.
You know, I am not clicking that. Go here
sarameg, what's in your easter package?
Thanks for all the birthday wishes!
I took the day off work and spent it watching Stargate: Atlantis DVDs and working my way through a large order of Chinese take away.
Now I have beer, and more Atlantis DVDs, and a few extra widgets for my iPod from my parents.
It always has speckled malted milk eggs. So mom can buy a package and eat some then send the rest to me and feel virtuous for not eating the whole bag. Then usually random stuff. I've gotten handtowels, earrings, books, absurd stuffed animals, candles, cooking utensils, what have you.
Basically, whatever she has that she just cannot WAIT until my birthday to give me. You know how some people can't wait to open presents? My mom can't wait for you to open YOUR presents. I make her crazy because I will wait for the appointed date.