JOHANNESBURG, South Africa - “Monster mice” are eating much larger albatross chicks alive, threatening rare bird species on a remote South Atlantic island seen as the world’s most important seabird colony.
I desperately want to believe that this is a hoax.
So I got summonsed a month ago for jury duty in Feb., and I just realized I haven't sent back the card yet. It says "Very Important: you must return this card within 10 days" but there's no information as to what will actually happen if you don't. Will I be fined? Arrested? Eaten by giant mice?
there a lot of people with more money than sense, so i don't know why I'm suprised
I guess if you have $4.5k just lying around, it's not about a lack of sense, but rather a surfeit of money.
I just can't imagine it, though.
I think the official recommendation is 20 mg/day, but there are plenty of studies about a 40-mg/day dose where the subjects didn't have anything awful happen.
Hmmm. I'm on 20 and was wanting to ask if I could go higher, but all in all I think I'd just as soon go back to Celexa anyway. How high can you go on that, for curiosity's sake? I think I had 40mg when I switched over.
Mmm. Fay said lashings. Not to mention ripping.
And I totally don't mean porn.
I know, I know. I just thought I had another week or two to get my shit together. Alas.
They might be fine. In fact, I'd say there's a 99% chance they're fine. But if you're getting busy with somebody, use a condom.
I have two of the packs, how about if I just take two at a time? They're low-dose!
Ah, just take a handful. Like M&Ms.
Ah, just take a handful. Like M&Ms.
That's what I was hoping.
Christ, really I just wish I didn't have cramps right now.
all in all I think I'd just as soon go back to Celexa anyway. How high can you go on that, for curiosity's sake? I think I had 40mg when I switched over.
You can go to 60 mg/day, but it's not markedly more effective at doses higher than 40 mg/day. Celexa, that is. It's a whole law of diminishing returns thing.
Doesn't it make the drug less effective if you take a higher dose and try to return to a lower dose? Like a capacity thing. IME.
Doesn't it make the drug less effective if you take a higher dose and try to return to a lower dose? Like a capacity thing. IME.
Hmm. I honestly don't know on that one. I'll have to poke around and see what info I can dig up.