I used to keep packets in my drawer, until I started using one that had went off, and then decided to err on the side of freshness.
Nothing can beat the condiments I found when we moved offices. Ketchup packages that were suspiciously green through the white plastic. Duck sauce turned pale and watery. The crunchy mustard. The blue mayo. Calcified soy sauce...
You know what? The MARC's website sucks.
What, you people don't spend thousands of dollars on semi-useless art gifts? You people are LAME.
Oh hey, are there any pharmacy-knowlegable people around?
The house mice — believed to have made their way to Gough decades ago on sealing and whaling ships — have evolved to about three times their normal size
Can you really evolve over mere decades? Poor chickies.
You people are LAME.
And I bet they don't regularly drop a grand on an outfit they'll only wear once.
And I bet they don't regularly drop a grand on an outfit they'll only wear once.
You know, I really thought I was hanging with a higher class of people around here.
I really thought I was hanging with a higher class of people around here.
You and me, babe. We'll just hob nob over here.
You might have seen this cousin's pied-a-terre one time I visited NY a million years ago. But you know how my memory fails me.
am I the only one wondering what a tuck box is?
Oh, I had a question for Steph. Do you happen to know how high a dosage you can go on Lexapro without, you know, making something melt or go 'splodey?
(Um, don't worry, no one's done anything stupid.)
My now-moved friend complained that she'd packed and moved all her silverwear and was reduced to eating with one chopstick. So I went and took some plastic utensils from Burger King for her.
I just felt like sharing that.