Cute does not lead inexorably to inappropriate touching. It does NOT.
::Says nothing.::, am I the last person in the world to know that Spy Daddy, he who smiles once per season of
once had the biggest 'fro known to man? In Godspell? (Check out the screencaps link.)
Happy Birthday, Shrift!
I hope this year is indeed better than the last, and includes lots of traveling to cool places and staying there.
I would offer to write you porn, but the last attempt didn't work out too well, so I may just stick with my strengths. Maybe you should write yourself porn! That way many people would celebrate your birthday with you..., am I the last person in the world to know that Spy Daddy, he who smiles once per season of Alias, once had the biggest 'fro known to man? In Godspell? (Check out the screencaps link.)
That's seriously disturbing.
I'm afraid that's only the largest 'fro known to
man, but yeah. Cutehead Victor Garber!
am I the last person in the world to know that Spy Daddy, he who smiles once per season of Alias, once had the biggest 'fro known to man? In Godspell?
Yeah, poor SpyDaddy. It's a pretty awful movie, although Lynne Thigpen is also in it, and she was pretty much the coolest person ever.
If you want to hear Victor Garber singing, get the Original Cast Recording of Sondheim's Assassins.
And of course, now I have "Prepare Ye" in my head. Darn you, high school production of Godspell! Darn you to heck!!
A few bubbles, and cyprus mulch to arrive at a state of vacuum cleaner
I love it when random spam actually makes me laugh. Surreal images!
Leasing office was apologetic and I got all the paperwork done. And they didn't raise my rent. Makes me suspicious.
Happy Birthday, shrift!
I am so goddamned tired. Not that it's not my fault, but I have no work today AND I feel sick from not getting enough sleep last night. I just want to crawl under my desk and sleep.
That's OK Jesse- I somehow have the DANCE moves from a community theatre production of Godspell, which I did the costumes for, stuck in my head! And I didn't even do the dance (although I watched it about eighty bazillion times!)
Happy Birthday Shrift!
Also, WHY did I not watch Veronica Mars before this? I have been watching Season One DVD's from Netflix and I am in love! Best new show to me ever! Although I have also been watching Dead Like Me Season One, and liking that, too! It sucks, though, that I can't watch the new Veronica Mars, as I don't get UPN without cable (which I do not have), and I can't "ahem" anymore because home computer is too old and slow, work computer is now blocked from downloading (firewall?), and theatre computer blocks me from downloading software.
I somehow have the DANCE moves from a community theatre production of Godspell, which I did the costumes for, stuck in my head!
I am so goddamned tired. Not that it's not my fault, but I have no work today AND I feel sick from not getting enough sleep last night.
Me too! Except right now I'm all jacked up on Excederin and Hershey's Kisses. But in about two hours, I'm going to be under the desk, I'm sure.