Happy Birthday Shrift!
Also, the only way I can stand Christmas cake is if it's drowned in brandy for a couple of months before it's iced. Mmm, moist. Most of the time I just peel off the icing, peel off the ckae, and eat the marzipan. But I don't like dried fuit, so there you go. When I'm making them I try and put more juicy dried fruits in -- leave out most of the currents, for example, and put more figs and apricots and stuff in.
Shrift! Birthday, happy! You should get onto that.
Happy birthday shrift!
Yesterday I bought a jacket, regularly priced at $239.00 for $39.00! That's 84% off!
Happy Shrift Day!!!
awards Plei & Paul 500 housepoints for having a proper Wedding Cake.
Happy birthday, shrift! May you avoid the need to smash today.
Birthday happies, shrift! May you slounge to your heart's content today.
Happy birthday, shrift! Who's a big girl? Who is?
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