Took my nephew and SIL to dinner last night, and he threw squash. It was awesome. Yes, I left a large tip.
Then slept over my SIL's and we played a game where he would reach intomy pockets and say, "money?" and then I would give him some money and he would run and put it in his winnie the pooh bank.
It's a great scam.
we played a game where he would reach intomy pockets and say, "money?" and then I would give him some money and he would run and put it in his winnie the pooh bank.
I had a boyfriend like that. Cute when wee ones do it. Thirty year olds? NSM.
Your nephew's clearly a financial genius, Allyson.
Yay for Kate's date.
I am so sleepy right now. Maybe I'll actually nap, even. That's very unlike me.
Cat calls 911 to help owner...
Bookstore yesterday, Fry's today. I do think I'll return some of this--I don't know why I do this to myself and my pocketbook.
Allyson's wrapped around a certain nephewlet's finger.
Who was the moron who not only left a kleenex in a sweater pocket, but also forgot to toss the bag of socks into the wash? looks around suspiciously Damnit, it was me. Ah well.
Am having an unfortunate cooking experience. I picked up this nummy tasting (free samples are dangerous when you are hungry) indian ginger honey marinade yesterday. I don't know how often I will end up using it, though. When it cooks, it smells EXACTLY like a ferret we had for a summer did when it needed a bath. It's just....I don't know if I can deal with muskyferret smelling chicken. Sigh.
I don't know why I do this to myself and my pocketbook.
tell me about it. Having paid all my bills today, I do not have enough left over to pay my brother what I owe him from Christmas. I have to wait until the 15th to be able to pay him and I haven't even seen the bill for my most often used credit card. Bah!
OK, two bites in and...I can't deal. Bye bye chicken breast. Sandwich time.