Timelies all!
Today is a holiday for us. We met G's dad and stepmom for brunch, then I was dropped off at home while G went in to work for a few hours.(sigh..) Soon I will watch an ep of H:LOTS(I'm on the last disk of season 3), return some books to the library and attempt to practice guitar.
And the, ah, pharaoh's revenge is unavoidable
I can testify to this. To two weeks of this. I think it was brushing my teeth with the tap water. Stupid Jars.
Sheryl, it's funny you posting about Homicide and G. in the same post.
My friend C, who'd had no problems with various other African and Middle Eastern countries, was utterly incapacitated. Bless her.
t /TMI
Jars - most impressive hair colour in the NYE photos! Sounds like you had a lovely New Year, love.
I jsut saw the craziest interview on Today. The authors of a book called The List were on, talking about how you should be able to tell if a man will marry you after 30 days. It was The Rules crazy, it was.
I saw that! That shit was BANANAS. Even
Ann Curry
thought it was bananas. Luckily, they emphasized it was only for if you were looking to get married on a schedule.
Jesse, my folks used to love taking the Staten Island Ferry and driving around looking at the Mafia mansions. There is also an Old Sailor's Home turned Arts center caled Snug Harbor. Check it out: [link]
We only had a couple of hours today, so just went into the city and shopped around a little, and had lunch, and they're off! But I really need to go out to Staten Island some time and actually do stuff.
Jars - most impressive hair colour in the NYE photos!
And looking at them, I've just realised how badly I need to do my roots.
Yeah, it was a lovely night. Completely unstressful, which is always good for NYE.
DH liked the the mah jongg set. People at the cafe said I looked much better.
I made a list of things to do. Included on the list is catching up on Lost.
I wonder if will be able to convince DH that I really don't want to go back out in the rain...
I just took a short errand trip outside. It looks like my building will finally be getting fencing of sorts around the flowerbeds. They have been working on this for at least 3 years, so yay! They will help to keep the flowers beds nicer and untrod upon by man and beast.
There were approx 50 police officers hanging out on a corner in the hood. Now idea whyfor and I didn't ask, but odd.
Now I think it is time for lunch.
Jesse if you are around, pop on IM.