Moderation was moderately exercised. The headaches are good for something, because they drove me out of the store before I could do too much damage.
Sadly the B&N nearest me is closing down in a couple weeks. There were people wandering all over it muttering "the 14th?" both to each other, staff, and people on their cell phones. Got free with a physical training book, graphic novel, stretching and Gray's (not Grey's, regrettably) flash cards. Medicated my self-pity at my lame constitution with a Coffee Bean chai latte and replaced my Bodum French press with one both smaller and unbroken.
Question--how do folks pronounce Bodum? I'd being going Boh-dumb, but the sales guy was all short o.
Allyson, you know you're not exactly looking out for your own happiness. So watch out.
Very cool to hear you're back to teaching, Rio.
Question--how do folks pronounce Bodum? I'd being going Boh-dumb, but the sales guy was all short o.
What, like someone just told a bad joke? IOW, I pronouce like you do.
Without a second
in the middle, long
seems the way to go.
and replaced my Bodum French press with one both smaller and unbroken.
Dangit, had I known... I have two. And I only use one if there are more than one coffee drinkers in house, which happens...infrequently.
My parents called last night so I got to talk to them. Turns out, my dad is flying in for a meeting towards the end of the week, so it looks like I'll have a houseguest at least one night, depending on how the meetings go. I don't really think he knows the plan beyond "I get in at 4:45." Ooookay, dad....
Mom's moving from the hurt stage to the bitterly sarcastic stage. She got the hysterical giggles listening to Auld Lang Syne or however that's spelled. Over the forgetting part.
Managed to get out to a movie today. It was PACKED. Only theater showing this film in the area, New Year's day and it being the third day of showing, etc. But sheesh. There was a pretentious artsy-fartsy couple sitting behind me that I finally told to shut the hell up. The little old lady next to me did a silent applauding motion and shook my hand. Funny.
Brokeback Mountain. Didn't level me the way it has some people, but it was good enough. I kept coming out of the film not due to assholes sitting behind me, but I am so out of the movie habit that I still can't say if my mind wanders because I suck at watching movies or something in the movie sucks.
I want this Bodum sugar & creamer.
go, msbelle, with the telling the assholes to shut up!
The Bodum site doesn't have my new purchase. It's a three cup French press, but with a flared base, instead of their standard.
I skimmed their teapots, and they seem philosophically opposed to what I want from a teapot -- insulation. In fact, they repeatedly cite the differential between inside and outside as a factor in brewing--something to do with water currents.
I'm sad now.
Hey, anyone seen the South Park where Cartman's hand has sex with Ben Affleck? How does it end? TiVo's been grabbing me repeats, but Comedy Central was way off their timing yesterday.