this weekend:
tonight - tortured by smelling the turkey that DH is cooking for tomorrow. Tomorrow Niles home tour, in which I will be a scullery slave. then a party. sunday no plans. but it will most likely be present wrapping and possibley doing something for my SS giftee.
Fantastic news, shrift!
Food has been achieved. As predicted, there was no crunchable snow to be found. It's already all turned into slushy goo.
I'm listening to The Best of Diana Ross and the Supremes.
The girls always cheer me.
Great news, shrift!
Boy, coming back to work after 3 days of sick leave didn't allow much buffer time to ramp up into the full workload. I be SWAMPED, matey.
I think you might want to eat something green. also possibly leafy.
If you're talking to me, I think you're crazy.
ita, my mother has a whole chart in the back of her copy of Bleak House, to keep track of who everyone is.
Shrift, that is WONDERFUL news. That is like
Very Special ER Christmas
news. Congratulations.
Yay for shriftgrandmother!
Weekend plans: Flying to Phoenix tonight after work, then either a 2.5 hour drive to Tucson and then crashing or getting a hotel room at the airport and then getting up at the assscrack of dawn to drive to Tuscon. After that, Christmas shopping with my mother and trying not to go beserker and kill my parents.
Of course, if I fail at the latter, the former is kind of moot.
eta: What I am listening to: the air circulation/heating system.
Oh, shrift, that's grand news!
I am currently listening to inpatient daily note dictations. Wound infections, arrests on the OR table, gobs of fun fun stuff.
On the upside, I finally, after over a decade doing this, hit on a way of describing murmurs that doesn't flip parents out -- the parents of kids with innocent murmurs will call periodically, all worried that their kids shouldn't be playing football or having dental work without antibiotics or whatnot, and it's usually a long exhausting process to talk them down from their fears and explain that no, really, that funny sound is just a funny sound and it doesn't mean anything, even though hearts don't usually sound like that. Usually it's a forever-and-a-half phone call, in which my boss has to get involved and which always makes him extra-cranky about having his time taken up reassuring the parent of a totally healthy child that the child is totally healthy.
This morning, one such mom called, and after 10 minutes of fretting and reassuring I said, "It's like being double-jointed or left-handed," and she went
and thanked me all happy-voiced and hung up. SO HAPPY. This may be the best thing I've accomplished all week. Can I go home now, please?
This may be the best thing I've accomplished all week. Can I go home now, please?
Go, you, JZ!
And i say you can go home.
I just inhaled a crumb from a dry scone, and now I feel awful and can't stop coughing -- can't I go home yet? Oh, wait, mandatory training. Argh.