I actually think I might go out just to crunch around in all the white stuff before it gets all nasty.
I hate to break it to you, but there's not much crunching around when it's 40 degrees out. Nasty slushy NAST.
I would have a grilled cheese, except that's basically what I had for breakfast -- cheese melted on bread. Maybe I'll make a quesadilla. At least that's ethnically different?
I would love a grilled cheese and tomato but I have water and ritz crackers only.
The snow may not be crunchable on the sidewalk, but I can go out my window and stomp around on the roof of Dunkin' Donuts, maybe. Anyway, off to buy food.
PS: Jesse is being a killjoy. Pass it on.
I'm watching Bleak House and I've officially lost track of all the names. On the up side, I leave for the hospital in ten minutes!
A quesadillia would be great!
I must be PMSing, because I want to eat the world.
I had chicken parm and steamed veggies for lunch, but now I am hungry again. WAH.
My good news for the day: grandma's cancer hasn't metastasized, and should be easily treatable.
That is good news, shrift.
A marginally acceptable quesadilla has been achieved. I'll need to eat something else later, maybe pizza? God forbid I eat something that isn't bread and cheese.
I'm watching Bleak House and I've officially lost track of all the names.
That happens with the book, too. ita, I hope one of these evil tests will find something that's easily treatable. Your body has been attacking you for way too long.