From Nora's link above:
Look. Christmas lights. And if you call them "holiday lights," you'll make the baby Jesus cry, and vomit holy virgin mother breast milk all down your shirt. Take that, you secular bastard!
eta: I had to go through and look at the rest of dude's photos just to read the captions.
Happy Luka is dorky Luka. It was cool.
I have 5.5 hours more to go before the EEG. My
that seems insurmountable.
I was late leaving for work today, so the snow had mostly turned to rain. So now there are monster puddles at every corner to jump over and massive spray from the cars to try and avoid. Why are any cars other than delivery trucks, buses, and taxis allowed in Manhattan again?
I just noticed that my gmail has a tab that they call "webclips" at the top with a link to some webpage.
Sumi, I think that's to let you read rss feed in there.
WAKE UP, ITA!! Just in case you were thinking of dozing off.
It is absolutely disgusting on my street, due to it not being cold enough. Stupid wintry mix.
Why are any cars other than delivery trucks, buses, and taxis allowed in Manhattan again?
I do not know.
They never use the term wintry mix here, and if they start, I will beat them.
I really, really do not want to do any work today.
Bah. There is
egg shell
in my McMuffin!
They never use the term wintry mix here, and if they start, I will beat them.
Thanks to not watching the news, I haven't actually heard it, but I know it's out there. Stupid above-freezing temperatures.