"Hi, I'm calling because I notice you haven't replied to the meeting invite for the test tomorrow."
"Oh, that's because I never read it."
What's wrong with lying? Of course, the people who say they'll do something immediately and are still being chased a week later mustn't lie any more.
msbelle, I am sorry about the potential reliving. Perhaps if things go wrong, you can throw the people who assured you it'd not to the wolves? It's as good a way to stall for time as any.
I told them if we headed down this path and it was rush rush rsuh, then they were not allowed to go all apeshit when we have mistakes at the end. The didn't like that answer. But they don't like me pissy either, so I figure they can choose.
BWAH! Alton Brown on Food Network is doing a spoof of "Shack" for the intro.
Hey ita, I just saw on the news this guy who owns a store in socal kicked the shit out of a guy who tried to hold him up. He had a black belt in six different martial arts.
The outside camera caught him literally kicking the guy's ass out of the store. And then he took a pic of the would-be robber lying on the sidewalk with his cell phone camera.
Plus compatible with Opera. It's like Christmas in December.
Allyson--that's so cool. I hope they take that tape and show it in holding cells and jails across the country.
Work has managed to irritate me from a number of directions. I need to try and put out a fire or two, but really I need to go home.
msbelle! Emmett is celebrating the arrival of his Star Wars BK watches by wearing the both at the same time, putting in vampire teeth and wearing his Santa Hat and doing some kind of hip hop inspired dance. (Vaguely running-manish.)
In other words, thank you.
He promised a thank you card.
Emmett is celebrating the arrival of his Star Wars BK watches by wearing the both at the same time, putting in vampire teeth and wearing his Santa Hat and doing some kind of hip hop inspired dance.
Quick, quick, quick! I'm pretty sure the camera is on the kitchen table.
Quick, quick, quick! I'm pretty sure the camera is on the kitchen table.
He's shot. The flash didn't go off, so I'm not sure how dark it will be though I turned on every light in the kitchen. We'll see.
The direction was kind of like, "More vampire teeth! Roll up your sleeves to show the watches! Keep dancing! Wait...let me turn on the lights. More teeth!"
Very spontaneous. But he was pretty game about it and did several dances, including a side-view Peanuts-like dance.