Actually, what Connie said was in the back of my mind, since I was sending something to a foreign country, and I wasn't sure if they would need to check it against the customs form, which I tried to fill out ahead of time, except then the counter guy told me that the customs form they had out on display was the wrong customs form, and I had to use the smaller one that they only had behind the counter, so then I had to step aside to finish.
That was a really annoying trip, now that I think about it.
I often pack at the Post Office, because Priority Mail supplies are free. But I don't do it in line, I go up to the guy with the cart, get my supplies, and do my packing on one of the tables designated for that purpose.
Exactly. You don't get to stand at the window while you pack, jackholes!!
exactly, what all of you are discribing is perfectly wonderful post office behavior.
FYI for those of you who mail alot: you can get priority boxes and labels and such mailed to you for free from the website. I try to keep a personal stash at work.
Teacher people question. I have 10 teachers this year for the boys. For their holiday gifts I want to put together a little bundle that includes a lovely mug filled with the mini peanut butter cups and kisses, and a box of hot cocoa mix. (Except for the one teacher who said he needed 8x10 frames, yay for him saying what he wanted) I saw the mugs and thought that would work nicely. Sound good?
Teacher people question.
Ooh that reminds me that I'm due for a big stash of hand-me-down teacher presents. I get all the chocolate goodies my dad gets from his kids because he doesn't eat it (he does appreciate the gifts though and doesn't expect the kids to know what he would or would not eat).
ita insent.
oh! I have the chipmunks singing Christmas song.
hula hoop.
My next door neighbor teacher used to lay out all his stuff on the table for anyone to grab anything they liked. He had some lovely silver frames one time that were just right for my sister.
Most of my teachers are men this year. I like all 10 of them, which rocks.
edit to spell stuff right
My mom gets a coffee can of a mix of really good homemade cookies every year from this one family, even though she hasn't had one of their kids in her class in 12 years, the first one she had is now 20 and they actually moved 2 hours away about 5 years ago. It's really sweet of them.
And damn, those are good cookies.
My feet are so cold my calves are aching. Hate winter.
Laura, you are my dream parent.
However, you might want to avoid anything with nuts just in case one of the teachers is allergic.