The Boondocks cartoon is violent? Huh. Guess MacGruder's taking advantage of that late-night timeslot.
Yeah, there's been a big chunk of "can't go there in a family newspaper" in every ep I've seen (although I missed a few until TiVo and I had a little talk) -- dark, violent,
you name it.
I just don't have the time to go to work today.
The internets are too slow today. Someone should fix them.
Stupid question from virgin laptop owner (who inherited her father's old work ThinkPad): How does one charge the battery? Does it charge by using it plugged in for a while?
Just plug it in. Doesn't matter if it is in use or not.
I woke up early. That almost never happens.
I knew there was a disturbance in the force.
I'm packing up my classroom. I HATE doing this.
Thanks, Gud! Does it follow that the longer it's plugged in, the longer the battery charge, then?
'60s Alcoholics Anonymous comic strip: [link]
It's pretty awsome. It's
The Lost Weekend,
if the drunk was a housewife. Oh, and what's cool is that all the women at AA are really thin and attractive.
When it's fully charged, then it's fully charged and leaving it in longer won't do any good. I think there is generally a little light that will tell you when it is completely charged, but I know not of how ThinkPads tell you this.
Wow. My company is having a kerfuffle, and fandom isn't. Is it Opposite Day?