There are no words for how much I love Jon Stewart.
His Christmas present to O'Reilly was possibly the funniest thing I've seen all year. He deserves an Emmy
a Pulitzer for the whole segment, but the Jizzaporium was a thing of maniacal beauty.
Also, dear Lord, poor Samantha Bee looks about 87 weeks pregnant.
Hey all, we're back. Franny's overdose was well below the toxic limit, so now we're back home, she's napping, and I am making lunch. I'm glad I was there when they were drawing her blood because that part was scary, but for the most part it was all about the ER workers coming in the room to admire the cute.
I lurve the bullet point and want to have thousands of bullet point babies with it.
"Cuz, we could send a tanker.."
(the way that the bullet points are becoming their own character is a scream, especially the way that they counteracted SC's comments on the left side of the screen)
TOTALLY agree. Even if the rest of the show isn't good on a given night, it's usually worth tuning in for the Word. It's also the one place the show gets to break out of character a bit.
His Christmas present to O'Reilly was possibly the funniest thing I've seen all year. He deserves an Emmy and a Pulitzer for the whole segment, but the Jizzaporium was a thing of maniacal beauty.
Oh god, I was dying. Can someone quote that entire line/bit, pleasepleaseplease? I was laughing too hard to memorize it.
Thank god about Franny. I knew Tylenol was toxic to adults, good thing it's less toxic for wee ones.
Also, dear Lord, poor Samantha Bee looks about 87 weeks pregnant.
That sight gag was HYSTERICAL.
Good news on poor little Franny!
And oh, god, we're having Drama here, and I ate a huge sandwich that made my stomach hurt, and I'm afraid I've committed wank in my LJ, and can I just go Hoooome?
Yay Frankie!
Has she Learnt A Valuable Lesson? Or is she still too young for that?
'Suela, is that where I think it might be?
I am your sister in lunch-misjudgment. Sushi makes my cranky tummy and head feel...well, if not better, no worse. However, only if I don't order stuff like California
salmon skin rolls. Even though I didn't finish them, it was enough. At least my 1pm got cancelled.
Suela, is that where I think it might be
Yeah, the BBM post. It's not too wanky, but never underestimate the ability of fandom to generate wank. The Drama is all intra- and inter-company politics, and reinforces my desperate desire to have no managerial authority EVER.
I really shouldn't have eaten the entire sandwich. But my body these days seems convinced a famine is looming: I've had rather too much pasta this week. Blargh.