I have a head cold, so my family went to the "Pickle Family Circus" without me. They were surrounded by tiny San Francisco toddlers, lured by the "Circus".
One of the acts was a lady in fetish gear (quasi-Nazi + hot pants) skipping a rope. My daughter was highly amused. I said San Francisco toddlers needed to get sophisticated early.
I have done nothing remotely Christmassy yet this year.
Not because of Grinchdom, just a lack of capacity.
I will eat Christmas cake, listen to "Do They Know It's Christmas?" and make donations to charity.
I baked, hung a wrath, and hung some lights.
Beware the wrath of Aimee.
I had a head cold. I slept and sleept and slept. Once I had a nighbmare about breaking a martini glass.
Fear my typos.
My wrath is hung on a pretty red velvet wrath holder.
I envy your wrath holder. I wish I had a place to put my wrath.
Target has them on sale for 30% off!
I have done pretty much nothing today. I've slept, and watched several bad movies, and now I'm reading The Dirty Girls Social Club for the third time and watching Once Upon a Mattress.
Khan has some nice wrath.
I really wish when they run out of something you've ordered they would bring a substitute and give you the option.
This is actually a me thing, not a Safeway thing. Safeway lets you choose "no substitutions", "same brand, different size", and "different brand, same size". I chose the middle option, but they were completely out.