Ooh, I wanna live in New Zealand....
Santas go on rampage in New Zealand
40 drunken Claus imposters storm through city, wreaking ‘Santarchy’
WELLINGTON, New Zealand - A group of 40 people dressed in Santa Claus costumes, many of them drunk, rampaged through New Zealand’s largest city, robbing stores and assaulting security guards, police said Sunday.
The rampage, dubbed “Santarchy” by local newspapers, began early Saturday afternoon when the men, wearing ill-fitting Santa costumes, threw beer bottles and urinated on cars from an Auckland overpass, said Auckland Central Police spokeswoman Noreen Hegarty.
She said the men then rushed through a central city park, overturning garbage containers, throwing bottles at passing cars and spraying graffiti on buildings.
I'n trying to decide if "Santarchy" is a good word. I mean, it's clever, but I'm not sure how smoothly it slides off the tongue...
What they needed was rioting Spanish-guitar-rock Santas. Then it would have been Santanarchy!
Hee! We need this to happen, just so we can use the word "Santanarchy."
That sounds like a Cacophony Society event. They do something like that in SF (though less rampage-y).
I have so very much cleaning to do today, but it all requires getting up, and I don't wanna.
I think it's a copycat event. Though some folks active in Caco can be that kind of drunken frat boy asshole, they don't really cross the line into stealing and vandalism. Here are the Four Fucks of SF Caco's Santarchy (a tradition which I think is at least 10 years old...SF's Santarchy happened yesterday):
Don't fuck with KIDS
Don't fuck with THE LAW
Don't fuck with SECURITY
We had SantaCon here last weekend, which involves plenty of drunkenness, but little or no rampaging.
Another weird weekend due to sleep issues. I spend my week staying up way too late just so I can feel like I have a life outside work. When the weekend comes around I'm so exhausted that I spend a lot of it sleeping. Thus losing the best shot at having a life: the weekend. Yesterday I must have set a new record. I'm sure the 55 degree indoor temp here helped bring out the hibernator in me. So at 7:50pm, I couldn't keep my eyes open any longer and went to bed. I woke up at 12:50am. I checked a couple online boards, read a little bit of The Annotated Christmas Carol, then went back to bed again. Woke up at 8:30am. So I slept two 7 hour jags in a row last night. Wow. Now I feel totally bizarre and I'm realizing I've lost some prime time I could have been using for cleaning up the construction mess around here, holiday baking and shopping for gifts.
Unless you're Jesus:
Here we are Jesus, South Park Mall. Who are you looking for?
Ho ho ho. We meet again, Jesus.
You have blemished the meaning of Christmas for the last time, Kringle.
I bring happiness and love to children all over the world.
Christmas is for celebrating my birth.
Christmas is for giving.
I'm here to put an end to your blasphemy.
This time we finish it. [stands] There can be only one.
Dude, this is pretty fucked up right here.
OK. I really need to neaten and straighten my house. And take a shower. I'm not overly pressed about impressing my friend who's coming over, but there should at least be a spot for her on the sofa and a place on the coffee table for her books, right?