I remember being in constant searing pain when my back was injured, and how it *does* get to your head. Or your....something. It changed my entire personality, because all my energy went toward tolerating the pain and not collapsing in a heap and howling -- I had no energy left to deal with people, and I know I got snappish and cranky and mean as a result.Steph is unfortunately wise.
The tiny, tiny handful of times I've been in anything like chronic pain -- really, more like semi-chronic discomfort -- it's boggled me how emotionally sapping it is, how it colors everything you do and becomes the central event and everything else happens around it, or through it, or despite it. And I know that I only had it for hours, maybe a day or so, every now and then, and that it was comparatively nothing.I've been having nightly horrific tension-y migraine-y headaches for about a month - and it is nothing compared to what ita is dealing with - and I was nearly in tears earlier. It's just shocking how draining pain can be, especially constant. (FTR, had a friend do muscle work, energy work, took handful of drugs, iced and then lightly heated it. Headache gone right now and I might cry just from the relief.)
ita, thought of you today because Sports Chalet is having a half-off scuba certification course now. PADI. $75. Just FYI.Damn, I will send the book and cds on Monday. I totally spaced. Apologies.
Scola niece so cute! (In fact, entire Next Gen of Scola's family appears to all have the incredible eyes and heartbreaking smile that I think of when I think "Tom Scola.")So cute! And yeah, with the eyes and smiles.