Tom, SO CUTE! I love the cowboy boots and the toy!
We went to use the Automated Postal thing and at the first post office, it was locked due to fullness. It was also locked at PO number 2, except there was a worker there and she helped us out. We mailed the major packages and now, except maybe one for Lori's brother, they are DONE DONE DONE.
Scola niece so cute! (In fact, entire Next Gen of Scola's family appears to all have the incredible eyes and heartbreaking smile that I think of when I think "Tom Scola.")
Yay, Kat!
I'm not done quite yet, since I am still waiting for some stuff to get to me, but I'm down to two that haven't been mailed.
We still have cards to do. Which will tkae a while. but you know. We're close to finished.
My excitement killed the thread.
I'm sorry.
You just stunned it.
Natter threads stun easily.
(Now I'm wondering if I've made that joke before....)
Matt, it's taking a few minutes to upload but I'm sending "Love Is Like Oxygen" and "Fox on the Run" to Buffistarawk should you have the urge to own them.
Much obliged, I'd love to have the first one on my computer. Er, how do I access Buffistarawk, exactly?
Aw, the Scola niece appreciates pink cowboy boots like some other people I know. And that's a super awesome horsie. When I was little, my bestest friend (who is now a pediatric dentist, how odd) had one similar but uglier colors and we used to fight over it. When we weren't playing with his star wars collection.
That kid? Has a good uncle.
Kat, wanna do all my christmas cards and mailings from now until eternity? (plz note: I've never done them. I'm a slacker. I have a PILE of Catalina postcards to send and are they going out before the new year? Nope.)
Been feeling crappy since I got back from grocery shopping. Should go to bed, but now it isn't appealing.