I'm cableless as well. So everyone notJesse needs to report more.
Kristen, that seriously rocks. Man, I thought I was all special because the fedex dude saw me on my balcony after he left and
came back!
to deliver my comforter.
It's raining sideways right now. Ick. OTOH, no scraping ice off my car.
Did you know steam can set off a smoke detector? It can. Also? My detector must be wired because I've never tried changing the battery in 8 years (hey, the light still blinked!)
So everyone notJesse needs to report more.
Yes, with details, and screencaps.
The cut the lesbian lover line. and seamlessly cut it.
Yeah, nice overdub. How did we start watching at exactly the same time?? Weird.
Bah. Stupid eye.
The Neuroophthalmologist is baffled. I have a lot of recent bleeding in the eye. So he wants me to come in early tomorrow morning to go to... I forget - the retina department?
Bwah! I couldn't help but laugh when Isaac went after Jesse's eyebrows. Such a look she gave him. Dude, you have no idea how much time she spends on her careful and exacting eyebrow maintenance.
I am a huge fan of Jesse's glasses, but I have to say he's got a point that she does have gorgeous eyes that look ginormous when they're fully visible.
Haircut - great. Though I don't think I'd style it with the flippy out thing the stylist did.
The suit looked fab, and Jesse was clearly in love with her new shoes too.
Ouch, Tom. Is it causing you any pain, or any increase in vision problems? I hope they figure this out soon.
The cut the lesbian lover line. and seamlessly cut it.
Wait, he said that when filming was taking place? OMG.
Ugh, tommyrot. That's no good.
Dear People's Body Parts:
STOP HAVING CONFUSING ISSUES. Just let the doctors figure shit out on the first visit!!