Involuntary showers not cool. Why can't the sister host? I think mine was at my house with my MIL and SIL doing most of the work.
I don't think baby shower etiquette is as strict as bridal shower etiquette regarding family hosting. My sisters hosted a shower for me.
I don't know how many people will be at the shower, as we haven't gotten that far in the process. I wouldn't presume to ask the sister, as she's living in an apartment, which is no doubt smaller than my house.
You shouldn't so much ask the sister as discuss it with her. She may want to have it at her place. It's hard to know though until you get an idea of how many people. I think it would have been great fun if one of my guy friends had given me the baby shower. Probably wouldn't have had any toilet tissue games.
Sheryl, you could do the passive-agressive thing and call the sister and ask, "Hey, I was wondering if you knew of a shower in the owrks for friend?" See what she says.
Sheryl, I know nothing of shower etiquette, but I empathize.
I read that operation story this morning but no pic then. Oh, that poor poor girl.
Sheryl, you could do the passive-agressive thing and call the sister and ask, "Hey, I was wondering if you knew of a shower in the owrks for friend?" See what she says.
Er, I don't have the sister's number. Plus, I barely know her.(Met her a few times at things associated with my friend's wedding)
I'm watching Jesse on the Isaac show right now!!!
There is no Jesse on my tv. With all the channels I get you would think Isaac would be an option.
Oooh, final!Jesse has cool hair! And excellent lipstick.
But Isaac is wrong wrong WRONG about her glasses.