Oh, that's so sad, ita.
Do you already have a large flatscreen monitor?
I have a small flatscreen monitor, 15". It's sufficient for my purposes. I do, however, want a new computer desk. Hmm.
How much is a Tempur-Pedic mattress?
2,800 lottery tickets.
Hmm. I think not: I'd never keep track of the numbers!
I keep planning to get regular house-cleaning and then don't. That could be an option.
3 years ago there was a 3% wage cut and a wage freeze ever since
Given the hours your DH works, Beth, that's insane. I do hope he'll find a better job soon: he deserves it.
That is so sad! (TDS story.)
ita, I think that you are right: although there are tricksey people who will use the Amazon wishlist just as a source of intel -- others will buy from amazon because it's just easy.
What makes a latte a latte? It's more than just adding milk, right? Is it more than adding hot or steamed milk? Why do I pay a gazillion dollars for Coffee Bean's (delicious) tea lattes? What magic are they working, and how can I duplicate it, but with less sugar (turns out the unsweetened latte I had the once was a weird thing they did for me on a one-time basis)?
Our xmas bonus last year was a $50 amazon gift card. Which was used towards Firefly and Simpsons DVDs. Good deal.
I suspect that we won't get one this year, given the amount of money they must have had to eat when the christmas party was cancelled due to blizzard.
::springs forth from nowhere to FEH at J---a R-----s::
No idea if we'll be getting bonuses this year. There's the whole impending layoffs and possible closure in '06, which makes me thin, maybe not. But if I do get one it'll go straight to paying off more debt.
Suela, there's also European Sleep Works in Berkeley. My dad has one of their mattresses in his guest room and it's incredibly comfortable (I had to live with him for a year due to a stoopid fire in my old apartment building, so I speak from deliciously sleepy experience), so much so that my baby brother and his partner (now officially his husband, as of 21 1/2 hours ago, woot!) spent their first big bonuses on having one custom-made and shipped to them in Boston, because they couldn't find anything half so good on the east coast.
Why Monday's Daily Show was a repeat.
Ack. I was wondering what that memorium at the end of the show was about. When Jon started talking, I was sure it was going to be for Richard Pryor, but now I understand.