Birthday happies, Gar!
Short me-me-ME! moment:
So, hivemind-ish question: Anyone know a pithy phrase (or perhaps even a German word) that means "Don't bitch about your time on until you stop pissing away your time off"?
I'm looking for a new tagline that I'm going to preface with "Memo to self:" and if someone's got something better than the above, I'd love to hear it. Otherwise, I'm going with what I got.
Other than the Somervillista gathering in honor of Deb's visit, which was just a great time and I'm so glad I got to meet her, I pretty much wasted another weekend doing bupkis and I'm getting sick of it. I'm amazed I even got around to digging my car out (though I think that ended up doing more harm to me than good to my car).
So, I had great plans for making up sleep last night, which I desperately need. It didn't work out. But at least I can catch up on some TV... Currently, Mile High. Now I wish I hadn't jettisoned some Ellens last night, thinking I'd never get to them -- I like watching morning TV in the morning, regardless of the day.
Turns out "Silent Night" is a perfect lullaby.
This is so true -- it's actually part of my own can't-sleep routine year round
You realize, you just started a massive googling effort.
Still wonder what happened to my West Point boy....
What's weird is that I was just googling a West Point boy, possibly even yesterday. Maybe over the weekend. The only thing that came up was a West Point thing.
As so often on Overheard In New York, the title really makes it: [link]
I was listening to an NPR podcast on Post Secrets (there's going to be a book), and he talked about the follow up mail he receives. One of the most touching was of a women who wrote up the postcards with 6 things she couldn't tell her boyfriend, but instead of sending them in ended up leaving them on the pillow next to him as he slept.
He came into her office that day and proposed.
Sometimes, I like people. But usually specific ones.
On Bones last night there was a mention of Firefly!
On Bones last night there was a mention of Firefly!
I missed it!
Happy Birthday, Typo Boy!!!!
OMG, I can't believe I made my group have a conversation about what citation style we were all going to use, and then
they didn't do it!
Now I get to fix it all.