TV characters are very popular for temp names. I'm waiting for the day someone overhears a researcher refer to the object of study as That Fucker. Because you know they do.
It actually makes me a bit nuts when the media publishes the cute moniker, though I understand why they do (charm, quirk, not as boring as 2004 XR190. ) Curmudgeons with no magic get all "but they named it WHAT OFF MY LAWN " and no, they didn't. Naming is done by the IAU and it is exhaustive and persnickity and very often, rather boring so just relax.
But I'm cranky.
There's an office-wide (i.e. not just our dept.) holiday lunch party on Friday, and apparently my boss decided that would be "enough".
Oh, that is so... so... pointy-haired boss-y.
Anyone know why a Java thing that had been working just fine moments before would suddenly stop working in IE? The thing in question is the documents viewer here
It doesn't work for me in both IE and Firefox. But my computer's been bugging me the last two days, telling me I should update my Java. I think I'll try that now....
Nope. Still don't wanna work. Probably a bug on their end.
Emily, I'd try emailing the webmaster. Tell them that the Java viewer was working fine but just stopped working now, and ask if they've changed anything recently.
eta: this sounds like a server error:
Exception thrown: org.dig.iip.image.ClientException: Unexpected response text/html; charset=iso-8859-1 from htt_://
eta: I took out the 'p' in 'http' to avoid having it turned into a link.
So I bought my tickets to Birmingham for
oh shit next week
and all my procrastinating probably only cost me $20. Huh. I like clear fare structures.
Next up: the amazon (or powells) attack.
I charged my iPod and put on my punk playlist.
One would think that listening to Butthole Surfers wouldn't inspire zen in a girl, but one would be wrong.
Some nice lady sent me pictures this morning. How kind.