Why the fuck is my Blackberry a magnet? That doesn't seem sensible. Is it possessed?
Okay -- I've made two of the big phone calls (one grovelling, one escalatint-to-get-other-team-members-on-the-page) and hopefully we're back on track with nothing other than scheduling to worry about. We are running out of 2005, though.
Why the fuck is my Blackberry a magnet?
Er, I'm a little afraid to ask how you discovered this.
In today's interesting words I thought about in the middle of the night news, I offer "rambunctious." OED reports etymology unknown, first appearance 1830, chiefly a colloquial and American word (though Joyce uses it.) To give you an indication of the state of my mind at 2:30 am, it started thinking about whether Rambo was rambunctious, and if so, shouldn't he be called Rambu?
I think the magic element I am missing is being able to identify the qualities I can now recognize in "the ones that got away" in new people that I meet.
Mine is the ability to realize I'm obsessing over unavailable/wrong people and not seeing the perfectly nice guys.
ita, thank you for the link to the Orwell tea essay. It's nice to know I've been making my tea right all this time (although I'm out of loose Irish Breakfast, must remedy that; damn Trader Joe's and their no-loose-tea-having-selves).
I've come to the conclusion that it's just as well that the ones who got away actually got away. But I worry about the ones I never considered, and what I missed out on.
I have so much to do today. Pfeh.
Hi all.
Honduras (and Roatan) are firmly at the top of my choices now.
ita, why Honduras? What's in Roatan?
Can I complain for a second? So this is my last week in the office. (That's not the complaining part.) My department was going to have a little party for me today--not much, probably just cake. (Understand, we have parties for EVERYTHING.) There's been a line about it in the Daily To-Do emails that one of my co-workers sends out for the past week or so. Yesterday I noticed that my boss had a lunch meeting scheduled for today and another meeting at 2:30, which seemed odd, because I'd been assuming it would be a lunchtime thing. Then today I looked at the Daily To-Do and the party has been taken off the list. So I guess... I don't get a party after all? And nobody told me?
I'm a little afraid to ask how you discovered this.
Harmlessly, considering. It's just been picking crap up off my desk. Which then made me go on a search for metal I was pretty sure hadn't been exposed to a magnet, and lo! It can carry safety and bobby pins. Weird.
It's nice to know I've been making my tea right all this time
I've been making my fairly wrong -- I don't have any teapots small enough, dammit. But I have one of those filter baskets, and I like it a lot.
why Honduras?
Because it's gotten the most and heartiest recommendations.
What's in Roatan?
SCUBA diving.
I don't get a party after all? And nobody told me?
Is this something where you can just show up to the place and sit around sullenly until someone makes amends?
Or perhaps you want to do something less childish. That bites though, if it's anything other than a typing oversight.
ita needs a blackberry exorcist.
Then today I looked at the Daily To-Do and the party has been taken off the list.
Man, that's just cold. I mean, if the meetings are necessary, okay, but they should at least have said something to you.
flea, Joyce knew a good word when he saw one.