You know, with him bailing out, this makes my need to bail out much more urgent.
Fuck, yes.
I myself am looking at craigslist and trying to decide whether to apply for a job. I need more sleep, more caffeine, and less stress in order to make this decision.
Christmas concert #6 is tonight. I did the math. From Thursday to Monday, and assuming that there's no overlap in the audience, I will have performed for 27,000 different people.
Run, shrift, run!
Dana, you certainly get around.
I cannot bear to do any work today. Which is something of a problem.
Anyone want to do my job for me? I'll give you a Ford F-150!
You could work a few product placements into futuristic SF.
"The only things we saved from Earth-that-was were cows, revolvers, and Diet Coke with Lime."
"Well, yeah, you've gotta have the refreshing taste of Coke."
So Jesse, that gig pay much?
I really ought to buy tickets today. Actually, I should have bought them a month ago. I'm sure all the cheap seats are gone by now.
You can have viscous aluminum?
It's the step before transparent aluminum, Scotty is very excited.
Dana, you certainly get around.
I think ita just called me a musical whore.
I think ita just called me a musical whore.
Not necessarily -- are you getting paid? And do you have someone to beat you to keep you in line?
Fuck, yes.
t pets her nest egg
Actually, it's more than a nest egg. It's more like a nest ostrich at this point...
I cannot bear to do any work today. Which is something of a problem.
Yeah, I'm right there with you. And listening to punk rock really isn't helping my work ethic.