It's easy to do a Star Trek product placement episode. You just do a time travel episode where meddling aliens from the 30th century try to destroy the federation by sabotaging the sponsor's product.
"But without the powerful torque of the Ford F-150, humanity would never have survived the Eugenics Wars!"
"I know. Their plan is devilish in its devilishness..."
"Wow, where'd you dig up that old relic?" "I KNOW! I didn't think there were any of these old Ford F-150s left anymore."
Also, there's always the holodeck.
"Wow, where'd you dig up that old relic?" "I KNOW! I didn't think there were any of these old Ford F-150s left anymore."
"They really
build them Ford Tough™"
You could also do the old trick where a planet bases its society on just one thing from Earth.
"Are you telling me that their entire system of government is based on schematics for a "Truck" from the 20th century?"
"Indeed, Captain. A Ford F-150, to be precise. It would explain why their planet functions so efficiently."
That kind of stuff makes me want to shoot my TV with a Glock 9 mm.
Argh. My coworker told me this morning that he gave his two weeks.
I don't want to be a department of one.
I wonder how much they get for this placement. Normal ad revenue goes to the network, right? In-show placement goes to the production itself?
I don't know. With the Coldplay thing, I'm pretty sure CBS got a sizable chunk, if not the whole pie.
You know what I don't get? Cars that pull into adjacent lanes without looking, get honked at by the car that they almost hit, and wait a second, and then turn on their turn signals.
I mean, come on, we've all done that-- not looked quite as well as we should, or realized how big your blind spot is--, but really, who do you think the turn signal is going to fool, or protect?
IOnon-meme news, I agree with the bag brand on GG being well done. I saw one other show where that brand was pimped (maybe Will and Grace, back when it was funny), and it wasn't nearly as seamless.
I am in hate with Travelocity right now. It tells me there are $451 flights to Roatan, but it won't tell me when. I did get it to cough up the goods on Tegucigalpa, but that leaves one with the prospect of additional transport to the Bay Islands.