Check it. ita is in Middle Management Hell. She is reporting stuff to her boss, who will synopsize and report it to a bigger Boss, who will roll it up all into a sound-byte that the Biggest Boss distrusts...
What is Buffistarawk? I am so out-of-the-loopy.
What is Buffistarawk?
A gmail account for music purposes, I think. Others can likely explain it waaaaaay better.
It's best covered in the Music Thread.
Ah. Music. I commit that sin, but I do not need to talk about it in public places.
I have whiplash from GA tonight. In a good way.
What in frackin' hell is GA?
Why does everything have to be a two-letter acronym? Why am I SHOUTING?
Generally there is a bit of a watch and post as well as many posts on MOnday morning.
Gray's Anatomy.
Dude, I actually have answers to stuff tonight. Huh.
What in frackin' hell is GA?
TV show Gray's Anatomy. Unless you're in the comic thread then it's Green Arrow.
Why does everything have to be a two-letter acronym? Why am I SHOUTING?
You're a grumpy old cuss.