Okay, THAT is hysterical!
Coincidentally enough, Rob's friends Edward Kitsis and Adam Horowitz wrote this week's episode.
I took Ana Lucia's "Are you hittin' that," as a shout-out (intentional or incidental) to Veronica Mars, so it's funny see that VM (which I won't get 'til Saturday) had a little Lost shout-out.
Oh, heh. Darnell.
Oh, heh. Darnell.
Yeah. Ask Rob if Kitsis and Horowitz decided to one-up him, because hearing Jack say it was even more awkward and inappropriate than hearing Darnell say it.
Punching the fucked up defenseless guy, that's really cool and mysterious. What a tosser.
The only thing that might redeem Locke for me... maybe... if it's done well... is if an addict had crossed his path before -- perhaps causing his disability.
Rerun tonight.
From last season.
Next Week's episode of "Lost" will be directed by Roxann Dawson. (formerly Biggs-Dawson)
Damn. Time to go watch Bones, then.
Lost's season is going to run long.
We are doing 23 episodes, but the 23rd is a two-hour finale, so it's actually 24 hours," Grillo-Marxuach said in an interview.
From Scifi Wire.
I noticed on that Lost is running 3 minutes over tonight!
Isn't that ridiculous?
Thanks for the notice, sumi. I doubt my DVR would have caught it.
By the way, I've been meaning to ask - did anyone else catch the ad for LOST that ABC ran during the Super Bowl? The majority of the ads (the sponsored ones) this year were pretty lame; this one was pretty funny.