I'm sure that there is new material left, just not enough to sustain the format long-term, and I think it's already starting to show.
I'm not sure. I feel like with as many characters as they have, there are a TON of untold backstories they could be going through. But for some reason, we're stuck in a Charlie/Jack/Kate rut. Hurley, Claire, Sawyer, and Sayid are all WAY overdue.
I'm guessing that they're going to concentrate on the Others this season, and leave the Dharma Project, and all of its attending psych subplots (including Hurley and Libby's connections to the field) to next season. At least, I hope so--I really can't wait to get Hurley's psych ward story.
I know a popular theory last fall was that Libby was another ringer for the Others (she was the closest to the last woman to be taken during the Tailies walk cross-island to Lost Beach), so maybe the writers had her give that foot-stomping talk to offset the rumors?
But for some reason, we're stuck in a Charlie/Jack/Kate rut.
I think you just pinged it, Jess. Like Steph was saying, there's still assloads of good flashback story we should be getting, but somehow we keep getting the contentless, boring backstories instead.
I totally agree. Though I'm done with Sawyer too. Don't really need to see another backstory about him.
I can't believe they haven't done another Claire one...but maybe they are all used up there.
Bernard & Rose definitely need another backstory. I'd like a Walt backstory (maybe has to happen after he goes through puberty). I'd love a Danielle backstory.
I wish they would have more chance meetings between the survivors to maintain the serendipity angle, but I guess they aren't going that route.
Maybe the real problem is that they're stuck in a Person-featured-in-main-story-must-be-featured-in-backstory rut.
maybe the writers had her give that foot-stomping talk to offset the rumors?
Except Hurley didn't remember it. She did know he was the last person on the plane, though.
Also, someone on LJ pointed out that she was sitting in the tail section, and he was in the middle of the plane, and wondered how exactly he managed to step on her foot.
Also, someone on LJ pointed out that she was sitting in the tail section, and he was in the middle of the plane, and wondered how exactly he managed to step on her foot.
Yeah. Combined with the blurting it out with such specificity, that's very suspicious.
Maybe the real problem is that they're stuck in a Person-featured-in-main-story-must-be-featured-in-backstory rut.
It took longer, but it's like the way the fomula on HOUSE got old real quick. They need to change things up a little.
Didn't they do a two-fer in at least one of the episodes? They should do that again, and have Vincent's be one of the stories.
Anyway, people I need never see any more backstory on: Jack, Kate, Jack, Charlie, Michael, Jack, Sawyer, Jack and Jack. This is one show where, hooboy, do I know Jack.
They've done two Hurley's and three Locke's, right? There's still some big pieces missing there for both of them.
Not sure if there's anything left for Jin, Sun, Claire or Sayid that won't feel a bit like wheel-spinning. Yikes, does that leave any non-tailies who's one of the regulars?
Yikes, does that leave any non-tailies who's one of the regulars?
Rose! We still have got nothing on either her or Bernard, and I want more!
Rose! We still have got nothing on either her or Bernard, and I want more!
I'd love to see their story(ies), but they aren't among the main cast (which is what I meant by regulars).