Here's an interesting link, don't know if I really buy all of it, but definitely food for thought:
analysis of the hatch murals
I liked the last two eps much more than anything else this season, but Kate giving Sawyer a pro haircut was a bit much. God forbid JH look less than studly due to a more normal-looking chop job. I mean, she was practically layering!
And Charlie flashbacks again.
Adorable tiny boy Charlie.
Another dream/hallucination?
That was . . .interesting.
Yeah, did Sawyer call Hurley, "Jabba"? Meanie.
In the teaser when little boy Charlie is sitting at the piano and his brother says something about him having to save them -- his brother's voice and probably accent totally reminded me of Boromir calling Faramir, "Little brother."
I'm wondering if we are going to find out Charlie *isn't* using.
Can we get more humiliated?
Hee, help him out Libby!