So, I'm assuming that island!Sayid isn't actually Evil -- that he didn't kill Dargon (was that his name) and the translator because he had become fully Evil; he did it because it was part of the deal that he made with smokey!Locke. But he made the deal while still being Not Evil, is my assumption.
I don't know, Teppy. If he had refrained from killing Keamy's people in the new timeline, I might think Island!Sayid wasn't evil. But now I'm thinking no matter how you slice it, that's what he is. I don't necessarily think evil has to mean irredeemable. But I think he is gone daddy gone.
My recap (~6800 words) for episode 6-6, "Sundown" is up at TWoP. [link] The link to the much shorter recaplet (~1500 words) is right near the top of page one, if that's more your speed.
Also, here's a link to my latest, very bad fan art. [link]