I wonder if the timelines are going to converge somehow in order to not break causality too much.
...I think if things started bleeding through it could be a lot of fun.
It seems significant that in the AU timeline, Jack's father's coffin (and body) got "misplaced," as did Locke's suitcase of knives. Because those were notable in S1 -- the (empty) coffin, as well as Locke finding his suitcase o'knives.
Yes, in S1 they found more luggage than just that, but I still think it's noteworthy that those specific things disappeared in the AU timeline.
Also, they need to give Ben more to do than just react to weird shit.
I seem to remember that Mr Eko's actor left after a dispute with the producers -- as much as I'd love to see him again, it seems unlikely.
I was actually a little happy to see Boone. Although then I had to explain to The Boy who Boone was. (Is he a vampire on some other show right now?)
Also drug addict!Charlie made me happy.
Maybe we'll see his brother instead.
Where is Ben in the AU if the island is sunk?
I was wondering that myself this morning. I wonder if his life has gone a completely different path and he's like this happy-go-lucky insurance salesman or something.
problem is, he was on the island when it 'sploded. So maybe there is no AU for him.
I keep forgetting about the 'splodey Island.
question: is it possible that Jacob is a smoke monster also?
You think there's more than one? That would be something.