Okay, so. What do you want to see explained/resolved/wrapped up this season?
For me:
Explain Jacob, Richard Alpert, et al. -- the whole eternal/longevity thing. Who are they, what do they want, etc.
The 4-toed statue.
Though it's not necessarily "resolution," per se, I'd love to see flashbacks of the 3 years that Sawyer, Jin, etc. spent with the Dharma Initiative in the 70s.
I also want Sawyer and Juliet to stay together, though I know there's not a chance in hell of that.
I very very do not want the big kasplodey bomb thingie to cause a reset, because I want to see the payoff of a bunch of stuff, like Ben being confronted by Smoke Monster/The Island/His Daughter/Whatever. And I want to see a big tear-inducing reunion between Sun and Jin.
Also! What the hell happened to Clare, and will she be cool that Kate took Aaron away?
Oh! And Locke can't be dead.
I'm going in with relatively low expectations. The only things that are musts for me are that they explain what the island is and Jacob's relationship to the man in black. I will be really disappointed if I don't get answers to those 2 things.
Anything else is gravy.
What do you want to see explained/resolved/wrapped up this season?
Numbers and buttons and polar bears, oh my.
Richard because I like him on the screen. Timey stuff because I love time wonkyness storylines.
My tivo says we're getting two hours of Lost next week too - from 8-10 pm Eastern.
My tivo doesn't go past next week though.
Coulda done without the zoom.
If I had watched the recap ep, would I understand why the bomb Juliet set off somehow prevented Desmond from being on the island and failing to press the button and therefore turning the key?
Nebbermind, Sawyer answered my question.
Hmmm.... two simultaneous timelines/realities?
Ooh, the Temple!
Also: I still love Sayid and now I love Jacob for (hopefully) trying to save his life.
Also: Hurley continues to commune with the dead- with High-larious results!
Am I the only one watching live? I am so excited that Lost is back, and now might start watching Modern Family based on an amusing commercial I saw for it.