I found this quote on hitfix.com. It seems to be the ravings of a mad man. Anyone here who knows literature better than I do? Any truth to any of this?
Drew, are you familiar with Adulous Huxley? Did you know that he hung out with the real Richard Alpert? They did LSD together. Did you know Huxley wrote a story called Jacob's Hands, about a man named Jacob that had the power to heal people with his hands? Did you know he wrote a book called Point Counter Point, where the story is an intricate set of sub-plots revolving around several key characters each with a set of sub characters. Each character represents some aspect of life or is a stereotype of some sort and the various character paths cross in varying circumstances and Huxley analyzes every motive and internal emotion in detail, sometimes even jumping into a character's past to provide context. Did you know Huxley wrote a book called The Island, about a man shipwrecked on an island who encounter a group of people living on the island. It deals with group living, assisted reproduction,trance states for super living, and a long hard journey to a temple for spiritual enlghtenment. Or how about another Huxley work After Many Summers Dies The Swan, where the action revolves around a few main characters brought together by Jo Stoyte. Each character represents a different philosophy of living life.And every individual is called on to display not only unsleeping good will but also unsleeping intelligence. It features one character Dr Obispo, who places great faith in science and medicine as a saviour of humankind but he is trapped in ego-based "human" behaviour that prevents him from reaching enlightenment. And another character, Stoyte,who is in his sixties and fearing death, finds himself in deep contemplation of life. Enlightenment eludes him, however, as he is ruled by fear and craving. Stoyte travels with Dr Obispo to Europe, where they find an immortal human, who now resembles an ape. Stoyte cannot grasp that transcendence or goodness should be one's ultimate goal, rather than prevention of death, and expresses his wish to undergo treatment so that he too will live forever. Does any of Huxley's work I have presented sound familiar?