I just watched last night's episode, and I swear it's like a dare for them (eta: "them" being the writers/creators). Just when I think they couldn't make the show more confusing, they fling the Remainders (Sawyer, Juliet, et al.) back to 1974, make them live through 3 years of the 70s (again!), and then apparently crash the plane into 1977.
At some point young!Ben is going to appear -- but adult!Ben was on the plane that crashed onto the island in 1977 so -- WTF, LOST? WTF?
Unless different passengers crashed into different points in time. Which wouldn't be any more weird than what's happening right now anyway.
I figured the Sawyer/Juliet thing would happen; I just didn't think I'd like it, or that it would happen in a way that seems so...mature, like someone said upthread. And then of course it gets all munged up.
Where the hell are Rose and Bernard? Are we supposed to assume they're dead?!
I figured they were back in whatever time the lostaways originally were in (2005?), wondering where Sawyer, et al. are.
Maybe it was the ankh and the vaguely Egyptian-looking statue, but I kept hearing that guy's name as "Horus"...
Or maybe it's all the Stargate I've been watching lately.
Oh, on TWOP there is a whole Ancient Egyptian cosmology theory - Horace is Horus, Richard Alpert is Ra and the statue is Anubis.
Okay, there is a sketch of a theory - but the ankh kinds of helps it along. Plus, the agelessness of Alpert.
I guess they got thrown way WAY back in that statue-era flash, because the well/shaft hadn't even been dug then.
It looked more like a "crown" such as the Easter Island statues wear in the glimpse we got of the faraway statue. Only about a thousand times bigger.
OMG, I just noticed on my DVR that tonight's episode is titled "Namaste". Thanks to this board, I can no longer see that word and not immediately think "Motherfucker!"
AHA! I was right about something!!!
I must be losing my mind, because this shit is starting to make sense (apart from Sun being left out of the time drop - maybe because Jin wasn't with her?).
Woo!!! Go Sun!
However - Not the main island? Oooookay.