I was hoping that they'd finally get back to the giant Homer Simpson foot. Oh well.
I was happy to see my translation of the French from the pilot proved to be correct. There was a Brennan among Rousseau's group.
Please expound on that statement, as I have no idea what you're talking about.
Oh wait wait, you mean the pilot
The message made reference to a Brennan?
Oh wait wait, you mean the pilot episode. The message made reference to a Brennan?
Yes, sorry, the pilot episode. I translated the original distress call mentioning the Black Rock for the Lost in Transcription site. See my translation note about "Brennan" at the bottom of the page here: [link]
Ooh, very cool! Looks like someone kept a Show Bible around.
I wonder if it's going to be like the Billy situation in "Blink" - where when Sun and Jin finally get together he's an old, dying man or something.
Time travel: it can totally screw you.
Ooh, very cool! Looks like someone kept a Show Bible around.
show bible: it makes
look transparent.
I thought it was Danielle! But then I thought it was the present, since Jin was there! But then it was Danielle!
I think Jin has been experiencing the time shifts but he's been semi-conscious, dehydrated and floating in the ocean so hasn't known the impact they've had on everybody else.