That totally reminded me of the dynamite "expert" in season 1 (I think) who blew himself up. I laughed like a drain at that too.
His SHIRT was RED. It was a foregone conclusion. Also, my friend informs me that he's been somewhat of a running joke throughout the series, and his only appearance before this was in one of the webisodes.
Wasn't said annoying character the same one involved in the joke "I'm Neil, he's Steve"?
No, that was Scott.
And remember, Sun has been negotiating with Widmore, to what extent they've come to an agreement we don't know.
Somehow or other I ended up watching all three hours, which I wasn't quite expecting to be so absorbed. Especially because we got a whole lot of Hurley, who had actual Agency this time around and making his own, perhaps wrong, decisions - but Making Them, you know?
Show's so crazy. It's going to be fun to recap, but it's hell to sum it up for the recaplet (the short summary that's written the night the show airs).
Especially because we got a whole lot of Hurley, who had actual Agency this time around and making his own, perhaps wrong, decisions - but Making Them, you know?
That was so great to see -- it made me hope he's right.
The guy who can see ghosts.
Oh, I was confused by the "boy." But, yes, I've seen that theory, and I can buy that with this show.
Oh, that would be in keeping with the rest of the circularity of the plotting, for sure.
It would mean that in Widmore's crew there were at least two native Islanders who were making the trip back - although Miles doesn't seem to remember or care anything about it.