How does Bernard come to know it, I wonder what that story is.
There doesn't need to be much of a story. He could've been a ham radio enthusiast as a kid.
I didn't think Ben went off-island when he went into the closet, but he is definitely time-shifting at some point. Why else would he confirm with the woman at the hotel what year it was?
He woke up in a parka in the Sahara. That didn't come from chartering a plane in Fiji. Or maybe it did, but it's WEIRD.
Eta: and I love his alias in Tunisia.
(delurking) After many hours thinking about the glyphs on Ben's secret door ... and the power of karmic intent on the island ... and the four-toed statue remains .... I'm thinking: could this be Atlantis? Without totally being cheesy?
So, Jack & Kate - Jack's fever dream? Flash forward? Pre Jack face-badger? Post Jack face-badger?
While I'm intrigued by the idea of a show where the audience never knows quite what time frame they're in, or if it's reality, I'm wicked leery in that I'm not sure I trust the Lost show runners to keep all that shit straight.
Oh yippee. Yet another Jack episode.
Also, the flash-forward is hardly surprising.
Well, I've got tornado sirens going off and weather reports on TV, but no Lost.
See, the problem with the flash-forward is that we know Jack's appendix won't kill him.
Well, unless Hurley is right, and the Oceanic 6 NEVER got off the island.
Cue Twilight Zone theme music.
Also, I stand DOUBLY by my previous statement re the show runners keeping track of shit.
whoa, Christian!
I got the show back just as Jin was being a badass to Charlotte. Has Christian been turning up before this?