It so perfectly set up the distinction between 'the man I was then' and his life with Sun on the island. And how he could have forgiven her so readily. I'm a huge fan of the whole personal responsibility thing and his character's self awareness was lovely.
Ooh, good point. I loved that Jin/Sun scene at the end. It reminded me that behind all the hooey, there's a show about
And it's always been about the Ways People Can Change.
Hurley saying "good" when Sun said no one else came was interesting.
Yes, I wonder if it's Jack he didn't want to see. He seems to be at odds with everyone.
I'm not sure if this counts as a spoiler or not... It was mentioned on the official Lost podcast weeks ago, and they didn't count it as a spoiler.. But whitefont anyway: Claire's kid counts as one of the Oceanic 6.
Unless the baby counts as six. Which, probably not.
I think he does.
The 6 are Jack, Kate, Aaron, Hurley, Sun, and Sayid, based on the episodes we've seen.
Sun's baby doesn't count because it was still inside Sun when they were (apparently) rescued.
t edit
And I hastily posted before I read Kevin's whitefont. But....yeah.
That's where I screwed up last night. I was thinking about Sun's baby, and had forgotten about Aaron. Too many characters! Too many plot points!
So, Michael doesn't count?
Or does this mean that he is now known as Kevin Johnson so his Michael Dawson persona is dead?
Or Michael never makes it back to civilization.
If your character is called Kevin in fiction, they're always a loser. Also usually applies in real life.
I always doubted that Michael really got back to civilization, but he had to have to get hired on by Penny's father's people, right? But now he's got that whole cover story, being part of the very public Oceanic Six would undoubtedly mess up whatever it is he's doing now.
Unless the baby counts as six. Which, probably not.
I think he does.
The 6 are Jack, Kate, Aaron, Hurley, Sun, and Sayid, based on the episodes we've seen.
Sun's baby doesn't count because it was still inside Sun when they were (apparently) rescued.
Oh, I'm not sure whether Amy meant Aaron or Sun's baby. I meant Aaron, which is why I said 'he' (Sun's baby is a girl).
So yes to: The 6 are Jack, Kate, Aaron, Hurley, Sun, and Sayid, based on the episodes we've seen.