Somebody at TWOP pointed out that the whole Penny/Desmond thing was a tribute to
The Time-Traveller's Wife.
I'm amazed that nobody pointed that out here given how often it was brought up in conjunction with
Heck, I loved that book and I didn't bring it up and I didn't really see it so much with
Somebody at TWOP pointed out that the whole Penny/Desmond thing was a tribute to The Time-Traveller's Wife.
Oh yeah, I do recall seeing a similarity there. I kept waiting for Daniel to tell Desmond he had chronodisplacement disorder.
I am still loving
I crave it all week. What the heck is up with that?
I actually said to myself 'I'm really not that bothered this season' going in. And here I am, counting down the days until new episodes. It really is crack.
'Lost': A Desmond Fact-Check. continues to have meaty
speculation (there's a small teaser/spoiler from Lindelof about what we'll find out tonight, but you can shut your eyes and scroll past the bold to get to the evaluation of "The Constant"). A lot of interesting thoughts about last week's episode, including this:
But here's a Big Question: since scoring Penelope's phone number, has Course-Corrected Desmond lived his life knowing that on Christmas Eve 2004, he MUST be on a freighter in the South Pacific in order to make a call to Penelope if he wants any chance of having a future with her? Lindelof says this is indeed a matter we should be mulling. Perhaps in the future, Lost will give us an episode that replays Desmond's backstory (getting the boat from Libby; killing Kelvin; meeting the castaways) from the point of view of this knowingness.
And especially this:
I tip my hat to Lost blogger Vozzek69 (at and some of my own readers for catching this one: It seems most likely that the time-travel illness that killed Minkowski is the same mythical ''sickness'' that killed The French Lady's fellow scientists wayyy back in the day. I really love this idea. I was never fond of the idea that ''the sickness'' was a Dharma hoax. It just didn't feel right. But this — this feels right. And if it is right, I love it even more for the way this answer was basically left for us to puzzle out, as opposed to having some dude explain it all to us. I expect that in the coming episodes and seasons, more Lost mysteries will be resolved this way.
Time travel solves everything! Those Adam/Eve skeletons? Time travel! The four-toed statue? Time travel! Global warming? Time travel!
What about the Polar Bears?
I think Vincent is behind it all.
OK, was Juliet's island shrink someone we've seen before, or were they trying to fake us out that it was a flash-forward?
'Cause if the latter, I already expect their last session goes badly.
OK, was Juliet's island shrink someone we've seen before, or were they trying to fake us out that it was a flash-forward?
The first scene? Pretty sure that was a flashback, with the whole "welcome to the island" and such.
Also, that's a horrible shade of lipstick on Juliet. The flashback lipstick, I mean.