I would never have made that connection. Referencing special relativity lends a tiny smidgen of credence to my baby-black-hole-somewhere-on-the-island theory. THough the whole conversing by radio with no lag screws that up, doesn't it?
So, so far from a Unified Theory of Lost.
It's official: Lost is moving to the 10 pm Eastern/9 Central timeslot come April 24th. After the returning episode of Grey's Anatomy.
Crap. I just can't stay up that late on a week night. Guess I'll be watching on delay.
Some mag needs to do a "new fall tv!" issue with all the changes, with, you know, spring instead of fall.
I bet Entertainment Weekly or TV guide will do so.
Well, that was a big WTF!? moment.
and I kind of saw it coming...
I knew something wasn't right, but, I admit, I didn't see it.
I heavily suspected it when they had the scene with Aaron earlier in the episode, so, like le nubian, I kind of saw it coming. But, dude,
look how big he is.
How long has it been?
Also...when did Kate have a pregnancy scare? I totally forgot about this whole thing.
Also: dude, they've been telling people that EIGHT PEOPLE SURVIVED, PERIOD? I...guess that's not too surprising, actually, but...shit. What the HELL happened to everyone else? They have to still be back there on the Island. They have to be.
Fell asleep before the episode came on and woke up too late to watch it, so I'll catch my DVR of it tonight, hopefully, while hiding from our latest snowpocalypse.