No kidding. And some of those roads, man, it's freaking dangerous to drive all crazy like that. You've got blind corners, and lots of places where private driveways break out onto the main highways without any visibility at all. My great-aunts are driving on those roads, Lost people! You need to be careful!
I got no sympathy at all.
They need to just change the setting of Lost to a prison
Oh shit man, don't give them ideas. They've already got enough all of their own.
Wait, are you saying they haven't had a plan all along?
They've had a plan. It's just been stored up their asses for three years for convenient pulling out.
I'm hoping they have an lolLost episode, where they all speak in lolcat. Set in prison. "Invisible polar bear!".
Perhaps a plot in which the Others put GPS anklets on various losties? Tracking them that way?
Maybe the lost writers are cylons?
So the writers are lost? along with the characters, the plot, and any coherency?
I'm hoping they have an lolLost episode, where they all speak in lolcat.
This would make a such a funny vid, Lost, or any other show! What's the most lolcatable show? The Office maybe.
I was actually thinking the other day that the chick Wesley kept in a closet while he banged Lilah would make a great "I can haz bucket?/He took mah bucket!" macro.