Some people at TWOP are speculating that Jacob is Penny's dad.
Also, there's some speculation that Jacob and Richard are members of the crew of the Black Rock. (Pirates! They're pirates!)
Would the entire crew of the Black Rock necessarily have been Dutch if the ship is Dutch?
I'm going to go out on a limb and say that a Dutch ship would not necessarily have any Dutch crewmembers on board.
Despite my avoidance of Lost after the hiatus, reading the comments here and the TWOP recaps made me want to watch the last 2 episodes.
Damn those producers/creators -- I'm sucked right back in!
Let's see....thoughts....
So the Dharma bums moved onto the island, but the Batmanuel people were already there. Hmm.
The Dharma massacre gave me creepy Jonestown images. Ick.
I think that MAYBE Jacob is real. Maybe. The other option -- and I like this one better -- is that Ben is really Exidor.
There has to be significance to Annie giving Ben a doll of her, while keeping a doll of him. And I agree with whoever suggested above that Annie is Rousseau -- I expect to see a shot of Rousseau holding the counterpart to Ben's doll.
DAMN them for sucking me back in!
And I agree with whoever suggested above that Annie is Rousseau -- I expect to see a shot of Rousseau holding the counterpart to Ben's doll.
Oooh. That would...but, that doesn't match Rousseau's story at all. I mean, I only like it because it means they eventually hooked up.
that doesn't match Rousseau's story at all.
But we don't know that Rousseau is, well, SANE. Her story could easily be fabricated, or implanted by Ben/Batmanuel clan/etc.
I'm willing to consider that Rousseau is not the most reliable narrator.
I keep thinking that Richard is the guy that was sleeping with Juliet, that's totally wrong, isn't it?
Richard and, um, whats-hisname, the big guy that was with Trixie, were on the island before Ben and haven't aged appreciably. I don't know what to make of that.
Heh. I'm tring to work out how the island could be Neverland - it's got pirates and bands of children, but no one far...
You know, I just
that a couple of months ago. It just popped into my head why that was funny. D'oh!
Teppy, I liked the Annie = Rousseau theory too, but Rousseau has an accent. Now, Rousseau could be faking that up, but going way back to the early days of the show, wasn't it Rousseau that our Losties heard on that recorded distress signal that had been broadcasting for 16 years (or something like that).
I keep thinking that Richard is the guy that was sleeping with Juliet, that's totally wrong, isn't it?
Yes. I disremember which one she was with, but it wasn't him. He was bigger, and I think he's dead (or at least he was). Wasn't Juliet's guy one of the Others who infiltrated the Tailies camp -- one who Ana-Lucia killed?