Stephen keeps saying it makes sense, and I keep arguing that it's too obvious right now -- that the writers have admitted they're cognizant of viewers' reactions and feelings, so they're having a little fun with it.
I'm pretty sure the writers recently said that, no, they're still not all dead, don't worry. So, yeah, they're having a little fun with it.
Besides, we had that thing at the end of the finale last year where Penelope's crew located the island, which FINALLY paid off in this Naomi chick. That confirmed that the island is a real place observable by real-world people.
Besides, we had that thing at the end of the finale last year where Penelope's crew located the island, which FINALLY paid off in this Naomi chick. That confirmed that the island is a real place observable by real-world people.
That's what I said -- but Stephen was enjoying the whole devil's advocate thing and said that Naomi must be dead, too, and Locke's dad.
And the sad thing is, with this show, there's no way to prove him wrong yet, because SO LITTLE MAKES ACTUAL SENSE.
Yet, I keep watching. There's still lots of pretty.
Without having scene the ep yet, do we have actual confirmation that helicopter-chick-who-was-on-Las-Vegas was definitely sent by Penelope? Could she be another Other plant, sent to convince them that they're dead for some reason?
We have no way to know yet.
Isn't it amusing that the son of the con man is so easy to manipulate?
I hope she's not. Ethan and Ben were enough. And I really, really loved what they did with Ben because I honest-to-God went back and forth the whole time. I
to believe he was telling the truth.
has to not be an Other. They can't keep playing this same trick; hell, even Sayid is getting wise to it.
I was hoping Mulder and Scully were on that helicopter.
I'm interested that Sayid picked up about the helicopter crashing off the coast of the island being odd. And they didn't see it. And nobody else on the island in the middle of nowhere heard a FREAKING HELICOPTER.
My real question is what Jack and Juliet know. And the 3 days until Others!Kidnap is presumably in line with the finale?
There's hints abound the writers are heading to a big reveal in the show. I'm curious. They have me on board.
I also what to know where The Others are heading. They said it was somewhere they've been before. Hatches? Or, I'm thinking, back to where they held Jack.
Also, yeah, they need to get to Jacob, and tell us what the feck that's about.
NESSA! thank you! i still hadn't figured out where i knew her from.
I knew her from something too embarrassing to admit.. A UK soap. Which aired on ITV. Oh boy. She's totally pretty, though.