I'm, like, the only guy here who still generally likes it and finds crazy new developments interesting, aren't I?
I still generally like it and find new developments interesting, but I'm not a guy. Or so I say. I just had to let go of some of my expectations for a coherent mythology.
I really enjoyed this episode quite thoroughly. I'm pleased with where we are right now - Juliet scheming but the rest of the Others (and Locke) offscreen where they are more believably up to something, Desmond working out his gift (didn't he show up with a rope as a belt at some point? And possibly even help someone up? I don't suggest it Means Anything, I just think it's kind of neat. If it happened), even the Jack/Sawyer/Kate thing is okay in this small of a dose.
Of course, the Korean ghost story was great, and Hurley picking up Korean, and the way Charlie turned to get support from Jin in mocking Hurley's foot-race restriction.
What language was Catch-22 in?
What language was Catch-22 in?
Portugese. What the guys at the artic station were speaking.
Hmm, the Sun being blackmailed about Jin's background thing is unexpected.
Hey! He's supposed to be dead!
Two months? Is that 1.5 years in regular time?
Okay, so they're all dead. . .