I really like Juliet, and I didn't want her to be a fucking spy! I hope there's a good reason.
Love Juliet. She plays both sides. Sure she's a spy, but also Jack is right and she does want off the island. Unless she has cancer I suppose.
It would seem that she would know about Sun's pregnancy as well. The Losties don't seem to have any secrets. I may be misremembering, but didn't the Others try and kidnap Sun?
the Others tried to kidnap her, but it was NotAHobbit working with Sawyer.
I forgot that one! I was thinking of the boat thing where she shot the Other lady.
Is it possible that Juliet herself is pregnant?
I think so. It seems like there must be some reason for having her in bed with now deadguy who isn't Ethan.
I don't want to like Juliet and be invested in what her angle is. I don't!
*stomps foot*
Unable to stop myself, I've been wondering why Juliet doesn't just drop the deception and confess that Ben sent her on some mission? Is he promising her a way off the island that no one else knows about (a back-up for the submarine?) or is it more like "if I 'fess up to the plotting and scheming that makes me ill, they'll just distrust me even more and think it's another trick, so why bother?"
How much do I love that her forced happy-face in the flashback (our first ever-glimpse of Juliet, in fact) as she gears up for the book club meeting totally gels with all that we've learned of her? Lots. I'm frankly surprised. Stop with the sense-making, damn you! False hope! False hope!
(My willpower to not watch went out the window with numerous Wednesday night visits from family that involved watching Lost. I was still awake. Shut up.)
Unable to stop myself, I've been wondering why Juliet doesn't just drop the deception and confess that Ben sent her on some mission? Is he promising her a way off the island that no one else knows about (a back-up for the submarine?) or is it more like "if I 'fess up to the plotting and scheming that makes me ill, they'll just distrust me even more and think it's another trick, so why bother?"
Because her lover was killed?
Just caught up on last week's Lost. I'm not sure I have any idea what's going on, but I love Juliet.
Just caught up on last week's Lost. I'm not sure I have any idea what's going on, but I love Juliet.
Hey, Dana is me! Who knew?
I love Desmond, too.
Me too!
How do you feel about Sawyer?
How do you feel about Sawyer?
Oh, honey. Do you really need to ask?
I will admit I am one of the lone Jack-lovers around here, though. Although it's more of a Matthew Fox love. The smile absolutely slays me.