I am still working on why they're introducing characters who are ALREADY DEAD when the episode begins.
Well, they have been introduced before this. Unless you're talking about giving us the backstory.
Incorporating them into clips from the past is lame, though.
I wonder what else N & P found?
Yeah, they found the way off the Island but they didn't go because the
thing that they hadn't found yet was Nikki's scriptbag.
I hate the feeling that I now watch this show to mock it.
Only now ??
We met Nikki and Paolo before this?!
It seems I not only mock the show, I watch with only had an eye.
The wig on Maggie Grace is awful.
It's weirding me out to watch Paulo. I keep seeing Xerxes from 300 superimposing himself over him.
We met Nikki and Paolo before this?!
Yep. They've been in a few episodes since the beginning of the season.
I dislike the implication that Nikki and Paulo found all of the cool stuff on their own, and we just never saw any of it. Bah. Bring back Billy Dee.
I think the writers have been sniffing glue.
and not the good kind of glue either.